Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year...!!!

First of all, lemme wish the few who read my blog (altho I have already wished you all).... A belated Happy New Year...!!!
So, people have been asking me how my new year went... well... lemme begin with the stroke of midnight itself!!! How about this for a start? Someone flicked the NIKE shoes my dad had got a month or so back from Nepal!!! I was at the midnight worship service in my church and we remove our footwear outside our church and of course, someone walking past liked it a lot. God bless the poor soul! Anyway, I would like to believe this happened at the end of 2005 rather than at the beginning for 2006. Lesson: Do NOT wear your NIKEs to church!
Evening, I was at our Inter-Collegiate Prayer Fellowship (ICPF) meeting in Ulhasnagar. I took this plug and tried to put it into the plug-hole to put the light on when suddenly, the outer covering of the plug gave way and I dont think I need to describe any further. All I'll say is I had no clue what was going on for about a second or two. Lesson: When someone's preaching inside, listen to him and Do NOT play with electricity!!!
So, this was the "SHOCKING" (literally) start to my new year!!!
And oh yeah... my good ol' Nokia 3315 fell for the 30th time and this time it was quite a fall... from the platform to the railway track!!!
And besides, we FINALLY have cable-net!!! Ye ye ye!! So, end to worries regarding rising telephone bills!!!


Matthew Celestine said...

Blessen, removing shoes to go into church sounds like a good idea. It must help to keep the place clean.

Most churches in Britain have really dirty carpets.

God Bless

Blessen said...

its more to do with respect for the place! Cleanliness comes later...