Thursday, August 18, 2005

from D to A.... A Giant Leap!!!

Do I need to add anything more? The title itself conveys the message across (if you have read my previous post)! A great learner one would say... i would disagree... Both grades were for two different modules altogether! But an A is an A- no matter what! So here i am basking in glory albeit for a li'l while... Till then lemme enjoy my little-more-than 15 seconds of fame.... fame? what fame? my paper wasn't even read even though I was amongst the elite cause' our dear absent minded professor misplaced one paper belonging to a certain 'Blessen Varghese'! So I would reframe it to 'a-little-more-than 15 seconds of joy' !!!


sneha said...

Well well... so the D must've been a stepping stone afterall!! way to go!

Anonymous said...

wow... btw.. did i tell u i got an A... hehehehehe