My last update: Sometime in Feb!!! Feb 8th to be precise! At the risk of repeating myself, I am indeed a disgrace to the term “regular blogger”!!
But no better time to update than this! And even as I sit to write this, I got a major problem with what the literature world would call a “writer’s block”! But honestly, at the moment, I care a damn about what I write for yesterday was one of the happiest days of my life! One of those days where my eyes were damp with tears of joy!
Got a call from Abychayan, my bro who is in US, “Little Jonty is out! Little Jonathan is out!!!”
“Congraaaatsssssssss!!!! Wow!!!!!!! You saw him?”
“Yes, I was there inside all this while. Ekdum healthy hain!”
“Oh! Whom does he look like? I guess it’s a little too early too say haan?”
“I guess so, but I think he looks a little like Nisy (that’s my sis-in-law, whom I call chechi).”“Damn coooool yaar!!! I am gonna call up and tell everyone.”
We were talking about the new bundle of joyful addition in our family! My cute little nephew, whom we already had decided to call ‘Jonathan’ aka ‘Jonty’!!! True to the name, ‘given by God’ or a ‘gift of God’!!!
Ahem.. no points for guessing who named him!!! Jonty, the cricketer was always one of my favourite cricketers and our little Jonty too, jumped out two days ahead of the due date! Not surprising!! We are calling him Jonty after all!!!
It’s not the first time that I’ve become an ‘uncle’, although my cousins’ kids consider me more as a brother. This time, it was a different feeling! Just couldn’t thank my God enough!
But no better time to update than this! And even as I sit to write this, I got a major problem with what the literature world would call a “writer’s block”! But honestly, at the moment, I care a damn about what I write for yesterday was one of the happiest days of my life! One of those days where my eyes were damp with tears of joy!
Got a call from Abychayan, my bro who is in US, “Little Jonty is out! Little Jonathan is out!!!”
“Congraaaatsssssssss!!!! Wow!!!!!!! You saw him?”
“Yes, I was there inside all this while. Ekdum healthy hain!”
“Oh! Whom does he look like? I guess it’s a little too early too say haan?”
“I guess so, but I think he looks a little like Nisy (that’s my sis-in-law, whom I call chechi).”“Damn coooool yaar!!! I am gonna call up and tell everyone.”
We were talking about the new bundle of joyful addition in our family! My cute little nephew, whom we already had decided to call ‘Jonathan’ aka ‘Jonty’!!! True to the name, ‘given by God’ or a ‘gift of God’!!!
Ahem.. no points for guessing who named him!!! Jonty, the cricketer was always one of my favourite cricketers and our little Jonty too, jumped out two days ahead of the due date! Not surprising!! We are calling him Jonty after all!!!
It’s not the first time that I’ve become an ‘uncle’, although my cousins’ kids consider me more as a brother. This time, it was a different feeling! Just couldn’t thank my God enough!

congrats!!!!!!!!!lil jonty is vryyyyyyy cute, hp he has a gr88888888888 lifee
hey...chotu Johnathaan is soooo chweeet....he looks so smart....CONGRATS...uppapa...God bless u'l...
heeeelllooo uncle blessn ;)
he's chooooo cuteee!!! :) :)
it is great feeling man!! he is really sweet and cute!!!
Blessed Jonty...
Blessy uncle ;-)
Jonty is so cute :)
May God bless him abundantly!!
hey Prez!! im soo happy for u!! soo excited for u!! can only imagine how happy u must have been when u got the super news!!! yeyeyey COngrats PREZ!!!!!
Thanks everyone!
Yea, I AM excited about Jonty!!! Somehow, can't help but him growing up under his uncle's influence! hehe!!
He's absolutely adorable!!
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